Our Statements.

OA4P Disrupts Lecture by President of Ben-Gurion University28 November OA4P Protests Oxford's Invitation of Genocidaire22 November University of Oxford Students Protest Nikki Haley's Visit to Campus15 November Oxford Actionist for Palestine Arrested3 November OA4P Stands in Solidarity with Palestine Action15 October Case Dropped Against Wellington Square 1721 August Statement on Recent Far-Right Riots and Antifascist Organising in Our City9 August Response to ICJ Decision25 July Our Encampment Has Ended. Our Movement Has Just Begun.8 July Response to Open Letter Warning Court Action28 June Oxford Admin Cages in First Campsite, Bulldozes Memorial for Gaza Martyrs25 June Response to University’s Attempt to Shut Down Encampment23 June University Agrees to University-Wide Investment Review22 June Response to Unaffiliated Occupation of Examination Schools13 June Oxford Admin Trying to Crack Down on Protest Rights8 June Gaza Can't Wait: Addressing the University's Delays in Negotiations29 May Response to the Arrest of 16 Protestors at University Sit-In23 May Students Arrested and Assaulted at Peaceful Sit-in23 May We Establish Second Gaza Solidarity Encampment19 May Die-In at Graduation18 May Remembering the Nakba15 May Our Manifesto6 May