Cowley Climate Collective Statement of Solidarity

15 June 2024

Cowley Climate Collective (CCC) stands in support of the students at the Oxford University Encampment. As a group, we believe in the collective liberation of the Palestinian people and an end to Oxford University's complicity in the genocide of the Palestinian people. We stand in support of the students' demand for the University to disclose and divest from British arms companies such as Elbit as well as supporting the rebuilding of Gaza's Universities.

CCC believes that the lives and realities of people in Oxford are intertwined with the liberation of people internationally. Oxford University has a historical legacy of pitting townspeople against the students. Through material deprivation and systemic removal of local people from the city centre, the University has re-created an intense structure of colonial gentrification. We hope that this statement speaks to the power of community support for the encampment and opens a path to dismantle the divide that the University has created.

We welcome the new phase of the camp as term draws to an end.

Cowley Climate Collective